
Class of 1974. His first encounter with volunteering took place in a distant November of 1980, when he was just six years old. At that time, the Civil Protection did not yet exist, and humanitarian assistance was the only form of aid. On a cold winter night, his father gently woke him, whispering, “Get dressed, we have to go.” Unaware of what was about to happen, he followed his father to the recreational center in Maliseti, a district of Prato. There he witnessed a bustling and united humanity, coordinating in unison, bringing essential goods like clothes and medicines. Still unaware of the gravity of the situation, a few hours later, he climbed into one of the trucks loaded with supplies and, along with his father, headed to the province of Avellino. The earthquake in Irpinia had just occurred. That day, his father imparted a precious lesson: “When someone is in trouble, you cannot remain indifferent.” The sight of destroyed houses and people buried under rubble deeply marked his young soul. Thanks to that significant and courageous episode, and with his father’s support, his life took a new and luminous direction.

From that moment on, a sense of duty, responsibility, and the clear awareness that we are all one entity, that you cannot delegate to those who do not have direct contact with the reality of the facts, drove him to dedicate himself to helping others. He joined the military air rescue service during the war in Yugoslavia, and in 1999 he founded a school to promote a healthier and more respectful lifestyle. His life became a continuous dedication to others.

He fought for the freedom of therapeutic choice following the Lorenzin Decree on mandatory vaccinations and subsequently to highlight the damages caused by vaccines, receiving mafia-style threats. These events, initially ignored, are now current affairs in all the media, where the proven damages of what was undoubtedly a true mass experiment on the unsuspecting population are discussed.

In 2020, he founded a humanitarian organization and later, with other friends, a large intergovernmental organization, the CNU, which in a single term managed to bring it out of anonymity, transforming it into an operational observatory for human rights with no fewer than 41 points worldwide. Today, in 2024, he continues to strengthen his commitment with the Global Intergovernmental Organization CNU, creating a series of online legal support desks for human rights, in collaboration with CIDHU, an Ecuadorian humanitarian organization, where every single human being in the world can seek support and protection. This is an example of how each of us, with strength, determination, and conviction, can truly be a light for the community, challenging the powerful and the threats of those who see in the freedom of thought and choice a threat to their ego.


  • Founding member of CoLap – Coordination of Professional Associations
  • Established the Naturopathy Table for the Tuscany Region, with which the regional profile of the profession was drawn up and participated in drafting the law on bio-natural disciplines

If some have the honor of having brought naturopathy to Italy, making it accessible to everyone, equal credit is due to the founder of ANEA, who, with courageous and unconventional choices, has raised the educational level of this academy year after year, thus providing a responsible educational model in line with the needs of the population. This progressive movement has garnered numerous accolades, culminating in the opening of numerous branches (to date, 9 active universities), making it one of the largest European entities.

In February 2005, he completed the drafting of a “Treaty of Metaphysics” containing 900 pages of studies and research. In 2004, he developed, with CoLap Tuscany and the Tuscany Region, the bill proposal on the recognition of free professional associations, later approved by the Tuscany Regional Council.

In March 2002, he created, along with other non-ordained professionals, the CoLap (Coordination of Free Professional Associations), for which he worked directly on drafting its statute. With CoLap, he created Law 4/0213 and the UNI technical standard for naturopathy. This law, of considerable importance, effectively brought Italy to a higher level, implementing the European Community Directive on the liberalization of professions and free movement. A true cultural reform for consumer protection.

In 2001, he successfully adapted and experimented with his method in the areas of maternity, from pregnancy to post-partum, creating individual and couple paths.

In 2001, he traveled to India to perfect meditation techniques and study the symbolism of diseases and the subtle anatomy of man at the Multiversity in Pune, in Osho’s Ashram. He learned Traditional Reiki from Leonardo Ridi in 1999. Subsequently, through sharing with other Masters, he also became acquainted with other Reiki methods such as Karuna, Tibetan, Osho Neo Reiki, and Prana Reiki. Following his studies in metaphysics, at the end of ’99, he was inspired by a new form of energy center harmonization that now bears his name and simultaneously rediscovers the origins of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai of Tokyo, the first school founded in the early 1900s by Dr. Usui. From 1997 to 2002, he collaborated with an American multinational producing biodegradable products as a development agent in the Italian territory and as a market strategist in the Tuscany region. He lives in Prato and is still the President of the association La Casa del Glicine.

In ’96, he encountered the thought of Osho, an enlightened Indian master with whom he continued his training. In 1989, he embarked on the path of Tibetan practices and meditation with Spartaco Cappellini of Prato.

In ’88, he approached Tai Chi for the first time through the techniques of wushu Shaolin Tai Chi Quan and began his journey in the study of energy fields and their dynamics. In ’85, he learned the ability to regulate energy flows to enhance the natural healing functions of the individual.


“True Freedom”

Live each moment in reflection, in observation. Do not be hasty; observe, for the one who is on the right path sees accomplishments ahead, the one who is on the wrong path sees temples collapsing before them, and the one who believes they are on the right path sees the illusion of freedom ahead. That freedom, which is made of renunciations, is in reality a prison. Harry Tallarita