Special events for the common good.

Future Events and Workshops

Join our events and workshops to experience unique and exciting opportunities. Discover what we have in store for you.

The High-Purpose Humanitarian Organization and its Potential for the Community

March 13-14, 2023

A high-purpose humanitarian organization is a great asset to the community.

The High-Purpose Humanitarian Organization: Managing Events and Humanitarian Activities

March 15-16-17, 2024

Managing agreements with public and private entities, legal aspects, and International Law

Women Victims of Domestic Violence – Free Self-Defense Course

September 2024

Practical sessions will be organized to teach participants self-defense techniques and strategies to protect themselves from potential danger. For more information, please contact us.

General States of the Confederation CNU

lug 2024

Harry Tallarita is the Secretary-General with Diplomatic Assignments for the Global Intergovernmental Organization CNU for the defense and protection of minority peoples. For more information, please visit our website or contact our office directly.

Ilenia D’Izzia

Responsabile Progetti

Siamo grati per il supporto ricevuto da HumanitarianAssistance.